Scott and Gerry
Scott and Gerry Gardner are the founding directors of Compelled by Grace – A Global Ministry, becoming a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization in 2010. The passion for their ministry is found in Hebrews 12:15 – “…that no one misses the grace of God.” Together they minister in churches, renewal gatherings, retreats, and conferences, but feel compelled to follow their hearts into places where people may not have yet found a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Scott is an anointed worship leader and songwriter who ushers others into God’s presence. He previously served as worship leader at Church of the Holy Spirit in Osprey, FL and as worship pastor at Community Gospel Church, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia. He is vocationally employed in Sarasota in swimming pool sales and design.
Gerry is a gifted teacher, prayer minister, and author focused on a Kingdom perspective. She is an ordained Chaplain with the International Fellowship of Chaplains (IFOC) and has a M.A. in World Mission and Evangelism from Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky. Gerry also has a B.S. in Special Education from the University of Virginia. She previously served as senior pastor at Community Gospel Church, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia and administrator/director of the Healing Ministry at Church of the Holy Spirit in Osprey, FL.
Scott and Gerry have over 25 years of experience in Inner Healing Ministry, facilitating individual prayer, coordinating healing conferences, training prayer facilitators, and serving God’s people through anointed worship services. They have ministered internationally in Costa Rica, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, and British Columbia.
Currently, the Gardners live in Sarasota Florida.